
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Addition Stage 5 +

An arcade game [variety] goes to harder levels, you need to select grade 5 and upwards to challenge yourselves

Car driving - find the hotspots and answer the Q's, use the hard section on either addition, multiplication, subtraction or division

Sumdog - addition and subtraction racer

Variety of adventure games using maths strategies to succeed in each quest. NB Make sure you select the MATHS subject on each game!

Mental maths higher level games

mental addition with double digits 

Place value games play the decimals one too!

PARTNER game - shoot the ghosts by adding the 2 digit and 1 digit numbers together

PARTNER game - shoot the ghosts by adding the 2 digit and 2 digit numbers together

THREE challenges - to progress to challenge 2 you have to complete 1 and get the code word - Challenge 1, Challenge 2, Challenge 3 - similar to magic squares but in lines!


  1. Manic Math Madness, I just love that game State of Debate and Elemental

  2. I love 4+ games because on adventure games there is a game that is called Questionaut and it is really cool. Atalia

  3. These game are so fun I almost play them every day these games every day. By Gabe
